Saturday, February 21, 2009
Tributes to Ru Yi
Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.
I understood it perfectly when I was jogging (or should I say... "doing the block"? Ha! The Ixorians will understand this!) after I balded my head and posted a letter to Mum.
First few minutes was just deep-cracking sounds made by those up there. It was weird! How can they make noise when the sun was still visible?
Five minutes later...
Droplets of rain water fell to the ground. It was such a good scenery!
Ten minutes later...
Heavy ones started falling down and guess what?! The sun was still shining!!!
Seven minutes later...
Everyone started running back to their vehicles. I was the only one enjoying the rain besides singing "Amazing Grace". OK, people.I ain't a Christian!
Nine minutes later...
I reached a place very near to home - Pasar Malam field and I saw Jack (a worker in the old Family Store) in his car and we smiled to each another.
My granny was a little worried about my condition and asked me to bathe ASAP while handing me my towel.
It has been a very long time since I get myself soaked in the rain! Even I know I might get ill the next day, it really was worth doing it.
Weird Keevin told me in his SMS. He told me he was sick. Yes, I am a little sad about him because he is my best friend! I really hope that he's fine!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
From Mathematics to Additional Mathematics
Note to self:
1. Make believe.
2. Pray.
3. Do drills to fortify my knowledge.
For BIOLOGY? 90% of it is about Chapter 2 - Cell Structures and Cell Organisations.
Moral is a little bad! 8 subtopics!!! I need to remember all those definitions, dude! HELP ME!!! (Ultraman's signal blinks red)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Chemistry! Eureka!
While I was floating to Chemistry Lab because we were having double CHM that day and so... the door was closed (not locked) - Hmm... Funny. Maybe teacher had put a slide for them to watch or something? Once I opened that door. I saw everyone stood up and then...
Happy B'day to you!
Happy B'day to you!
Happy B'day to Ooi Kim Huat...
Happy B'day to you!!!
Torrents of tears broke my dam and I couldn't control it at all! Then I saw the small chocolate cake (which appeared to be Black Forest), and Francine said, "Make a wish, Ooi!" and I blew the candles off. Then, all of my close friends came rushing to me wishing me Happy Birthday and I practically hug all of them.
Charu, Gloria, Kamini, Charlene, Francine, Aruna, Adeline and Keevin. All of them are the sweetest friends that I ever made friends with!
To Aruna, thank you so much for buying the cute cake (which I shared with all of us later) and Francine and Adeline for preparing this (mini) surprise party for me and I wasn't expecting that to happen AT ALL! Love you all, Fourth Ixorians!!! You'll always be in my heart.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
School's out for the week
But the best part of the whole day was no homework for today! Just a minute ago, I reminised what Hizairi told me and Mrs. Christine (my Biology teacher) in the Biology Computer Room while we both were helping her finishing her "Perancangan Strategik Biologi Tingkatan Lima 2009". He said something which really made sense to me!
There is a great difference between our lives in Form 3 and now. It is like having... Culture Shock!!!
I mean, don't you all think so? Compare last year's life: You can play around 24/7 but now, you don't even have time to exercise (another reason why I joined V-ball club)! All you have to do is...
Books... Books... Books and books! It's so LAME!!!
Anyhow, I am happy because I can finally rest!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Another Friend!!!
A girl who loves music and takes it as one of her life, "I'm like a cat with 9 lives" she said.
A girl in my class.
A smart girl in my class and most important of all...
A girl who is my friend.
Her blog doesn't really change people's lives as how they are, but still... it is good enough to read it. Remember,
Reading makes a man!
OK, I'm off bitching about her. (J'ai desoles mais excuses moi!) I am just glad that I have more friends as blog writers now - and not to forget my aunts in Ipoh too! However, they are getting busier in live as I am too. OK, I need to sleep for tomorrow's Chemistry test!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Mini's Surprise Birthday Party!
There is this sweet-looking girl, whom I call her as my best friend. She is none other than... Kamini Rajakumar. Her birthday was on the 5th of February (I'm a February baby too!) and her day sucked of add maths. But today, we arranged this surprise party for her (not us actually, her mum did!) When she came out of the car, she had her eyes closed tightly, then the confetti popped out and everyone cheered!
"Wait. Ok, one, two, three..." Gloria signalled.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAMINI!!!!!!!" our gang shouted out.
There she went again with her tears running down and I almost cried too, seriously.
(From left: Kamini hugging her family members, singing her "happy birthday" song and "may the good lord bless you" song)
20 minutes later (it was just a guess, I didn't know when it is), we grabbed ourselves cans of shandies and sat down on our table and started talking, gossiping (as usual) and finally eat.
Wait. Where are the photo snappings???
Don't worry. Here they are, after our dinner there.
(From left: Group picture [photographer: Keevin], The Girls, With Jac, With Gloria)
(From left: With Shangeetha and Charlene, CHARU, COME, CHARU!!! [and Gowri snapped. Charu said I looked like the PKR politician], [Kamini, Charu, Shangeetha, me and Louisa])
(From left: With Louisa, Manisha and Mini!!!)
After the terrific satay dinner, we played a game called "Sherades" or at least it sounded like it... It is a game of mimicking. Where you are given a piece of paper with movie/song names and you are supposed to act it out.
(From left: my group and Charu in the scene of ZORRO)
After everything was finally over, Kamini opened her presents and all of us were there, watching her in a room where she placed all her presents.
(Mini with her presents)