Sunday, January 25, 2009


The Moos are here! Sorry for disappearing for such a long period, people. As you already know, I am seriously busy with my studies! Really BUSY with so many things, especially revision! My target for everything is only to get C6. If anything goes lower than that... Hmmm....

I just bought my beginner guitar in NS Piano House with the casing and plectrum and tuning all for only RM120. But the tuning sucks though. I had to tuned every single string back! But that uncle is a really talented guy! He can play pianos and guitars! I asked him how long it took for him to master the skills? "It's a long time ago. I forgot, but a few years I suppose," with a smile.

It's all because of Joel for exposing me to guitar last year and Taylor Swift most popular song - Tim McGraw. The way she sings it... ROCKS! Ha,ha. Actually the post title has nothing got to do with the contents. It's just a matter of speech to wish you readers a Chinese New Year.

My left hand which is used for fretting hurts so much but, as people say, no pain no gain, right?! My strumming is getting better than yesterday and I can hold the strings better than yesterday too. I hope I can master this skill as soon as possible! Can't wait to play it like a pro (like Joel)!

Here's my checklist for the week:
(re-revise everything that I'd read for the past few days)
(chapter-by-chapter analysis of Bukit Kepong)
(the teacher isn't really helping, so I have to prepare myself for the worst!)
(have to read up to Tamadun Mesir Purba. Yup, pharaohs...)

PS: Happy Chinese New Year to everyone!!!

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