Sunday, May 31, 2009

How to stay focused for dummies

Yes, I am a dummy. After my SAD clouds evaporated (due to my 7D 'achievement') I decided to google up on 'how to stay focused during exam' and I have a few interesting facts to share with you people!

1. Do NOT cram things in your brain the day before - or less NOTHING gets in your brain.
- Well, this is kinda true... I did this and nothing entered my brain.

2. Drink plenty of water.

3. Drink kiwi-strawberry juice.
- It is said that kiwi-strawberry is like a 'focuser' during exam. Maybe I should try it!

4. Rest early.
- Which I didn't do at all. I stayed up late at night just like a zombie does.

Those are the juicy bits I got. Other tips were the lame ones like, do not be panic bla bla bla...


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