Sunday, December 20, 2009
NO WAY I CAN PLAY THAT SONG I'VE MENTIONED EARLIER! IT'S TOO SLOW!!! And the pitch too high. This music holiday I will practice my Wake Me Up When September Ends and I'll show it to him before he teaches me Canon in D, of C. It's a little confusing, but don't worry about it!
It's gotten harder!
Time signature: C
Anyhow, I will not be around for about 2 weeks. To Ipoh. You know, just to make some noise there get closer to my other side of family and get some new knowledge. They're awesome when it comes to philosophy. I am not joking. They sort of motivate me to move on, even I know how to myself (thank you very much) but these philosophies are really nice and I can quote them anywhere next time too!
Yesterday I went to buy a Premier Class train ticket from Seremban to Ipoh.
Date of departure: 24/12/2009
Time of departure: 1313hours
Date of arrival: 24/12/2009
Time of arrival: 1734hours
Price: RM50
Then I went to Starbucks, drinking my second-to-last cuppa coffee of the year (Grande Caramel Macchiato this time, with whipped cream) and I sat there for hours again from 10am to 3pm I think? Reading The Rose Labyrinth, listening to my MP3, folding my legs on the couch and things like that. It was pleasant until
a) 2 Indian men were sitting on my left were talking about Samy Vellu and some consessions alongside with Menteri Besar things for about an hour.
b) A Chinese man on my right were talking about money on my right. Thank God it was a few minute's call!!!
Everything was fine again until... 5 Europeans sat on my left and started talking. I didn't bother at all. I set my MP3 to its maximum volume.
Things were over now and I bought one iced Tall Tazo Zen at half-discounted price. I didn't wanna waste my opportunity you see. So once again, 2 drinks in Starbucks, below RM20. No, Shi Fang, I will not buy one for you yet. Patience is virtue...
I went to Terminal One after that to buy my eye masks, a small book of Cryptoquotes (it's a book of riddles mind you), to a Teochew restaurant to buy salted vegetable for dinner. Then, home. Actually I somehow regretted buying that because I always am not good in words. I should've bought number riddles instead but they seemed too hard for me too... Hmmm....... Lose-lose situation, but at least I will have something to do in the train back to Ipoh!
That's all and now I'm broke. Not really, my money - keep - further studies!
Monday, December 14, 2009
fresh for the new kids. So I showed him my 'heavier' style of playing it and he'd approved it. Oh and the best part was when I was singing, he was plucking a part as well. I didn't know which verse he did so because I was totally tuned to the song's rhythm, not wanting it go slip out of control.
He said that it was OK for me to change the strumming pattern or even the whole melody and he told me many more things which I couldn't remember. But his point was obvious - songs are supposed to be enjoyed.
Today he taught me another song, just the first part of it though... Er... Oh yeah! Wake Me Up When September Ends. It's really a cool song to play. I'm dead serious. He was suggesting songs for me, 1234 (I said I had the chords already), 21 guns (i said OK), Wake Me Up When September Ends (I said OK with crazy nods and my... 'signature' smile).
I promise you Uncle Siew Onn, I will learn Canon in D major and I shall play it for you some day. Your words actually made me want to learn plucking more than ever! Thanks.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
The Realm of Dreamers
This is an awesome riddle, folks.
You never regret playing it! Actually I'd thought of giving up but Markus appeared online in Y! Messenger. So, since then we both were discussing about each and every levels from level 4. I was stuck there and he used his intelligence to save the both of us from the 20 'dreams'. It was seriously a nice adventure.
These walkthrough had been helping me a lot as well. I really can't believe I actually finished a level without any answers (but hints!). Thanks, Markus. You're my team now. Haha...
OK, now I'm going for another riddle.
Friday, December 11, 2009
She's FINE!!!!!!
Good lord, I can't thank You enough to protect her from Your tests and I still can't thank You enough to test me on this. AHH, my granny is fine!
She did her check-up today without me, I damned overslept! Shoot!!! Anyway I am bloody glad that she's alright. No dengue, no nothing. She's alright! She just needs time to recover fully. Thanks for those who prayed and cared for her; family and friends. Love you all!
Mum, I can go back to visit your sisters in Ipoh now! Yippee, a win-win situation indeed.
Should I still care?
"Ma, I tried to make her eat but she didn't want to. Even a bite of a bread. Now, if she's sick, it won't be my fucking fault anymore. I tried my damn best but she refused to listen! I'm bored of it. I didn't shout. I don't wanna maker her eat medicines anymore!! I rather sleep!"
"Guess you've done your best... Since she doesn't want to eat to be better, nobody can force her! So don't shout. Go to bed. Tomorrow see doctor."
People, look here. Should I still care even if I am treated like this already? I rather stay up all night playing games instead of keeping an eye on the damned clock on my room wall to make sure my granny's taking her medicines on time. Yeah, I know that it's a little too much by waking her up at 12.45am to take her dose but... That's the best I could do. I don't wanna see her suffer! But I guess now I shouldn't be bothered about it anymore...
Now is 3.33am! 6 hours from now my cousin sister will come and take her to see doctor - to run a blood test actually. I don't even know why I am bothered so much when she (granny)isn't bothered herself!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Yeah, sorry for that rude one up there but I am so very worried with my granny's condition. She's having fever, a mild one though. I did tell you about her condition since Sunday noon didn't I? Thank God that her condition didn't get any worse though. Looks like He answers my daily prayers. Thank You!
Even though she still can stand and sit, and walk and do all those healthy people can do I dunno why I am still worried about her.
This afternoon when I want to give her her medical dose at 5pm, I was really scared when I saw her unable to open her bottle cap. Something fishy might be up again, I knew it! Damn it, what the heck is wrong with her! I was holding back my tears until she finished her meal and took her medicine, I came up here and dialled Mum's office number and asked her to call me back.
"Hi mum."
"So, what's wrong?"
"I dunno mum. It's granny... She's..."
"What's with her?"
"She couldn't open her bottle cap mum!! She was... Her hands were shaking worse than ever. I have never seen her hands like that before. I am scared mum," and I have cried to mum. She took the effort of calming me down saying that it's just normal for her shaking this badly because she didn't really have enough energy to do so.
Seriously, I have never thought that I would love my family members this much. I never thought I would finally come up and go buy her meals, make my own meals, take care of her, give her medicine and all those. This is like a totally new Ooi Kim Huat that I myself know.
I am afraid that she will... I don't wanna think about it. It's really freaky when I think of being old. No way - this thing. This bloody condition. It's just too hard for me to handle. I need an escapade or at least an escape plan. This is not happening to me. DAMN IT why must I suffer like this?!
God, please don't take her away. I need someone with me. Please?
Monday, December 7, 2009
The day before yesterday, Win Shen told me he was sick, yesterday granny was sick, alongside with Ronna. And today, I am sick. Luckily it ain't fever. But actually it was worse: a Lucipher-damned conjunctivitis on my left eye.

At about 2am I was chatting with Ronna on my hand phone because I really need someone to listen to me complaining about my bloodshot eye. He was so funny, kept on mentioning about 'cotton wool, cotton wool...' because I said my eye was like bleeding. He thought it was the blood-pouring kind of bleeding. Sorry Ronna. I worried you too much I think?
I couldn't shut both eyes nor move my left eye. It was excruciatingly painful (not really to that extend)! I thought I was going blind, lucky enough I still have my eyes functioning now! Phew!!! I decided to sleep (FINALLY!) and woke up nearly afternoon and Mum called to check out about my condition here. We both talked for nearly an hour. I ate and decided to go to see Dr. Lim which is sort of my family doctor? It was about 1pm when I walked and I stumbled on Mrs. Woon (my neighbour). She was such a nice lady sending me to the spot and then I found out that it was lunchtime for Dr. Lim and will only be opened at 2.30pm. Great.
Mrs. Woon kind-heartedly sent me back home. My goodness, I was so embarrassed on troubling her like that!!! I apologized to her about five times in the car on the way back home... So then I was here, playing some games and practiced my interpretation of 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams' that I planned to ask my guitar tutor to give some comments about my weird interpretation until the clock stroke 2.30pm.
'Huat, it's 2.30pm already. Go to see Dr. Lim now!!!!!' My Granny shouting from the lower floor. Nah, we always do this thing. We shout at each other when I am upstairs. Both are lazy to either go down or come up, so: we shout. Ha, ha. I know, weird family eh?
A walking distance to his clinic took me about 10 minutes and I sat on the bench after giving my name to the nurse, or whatever you call that lady that works almost like a receptionist in hotel... Only thing is, she works in the clinic.
'Kim Huat,' she called. I wasn't aware. I was avidly reading The Daily Bread that was provided there. 'KIM HUAT,' she called again and I sprang to see the doctor immediately. He did some checks on my left eye and he concluded, 'I cannot see any fallen bodies in your eye. It shouldn't be a matter. Never mind, I give you an eye drop and you just drop 2 drops every hour. I think... it will be alright.'
That few lines of conclusion and the mini eye drop which I think about... 15 or 20ml has cost me RM20! My goodness, things nowadays are bloody expensive. Really!
After the consultation, I went to...
to take away 2 pieces of breasts, 1 regular coleslaw and 1 large cheesy. All for RM11.75. Then I went to the Bakery to buy a slice of cheese sponge cake and a choc rice ball and finally to Family Store to buy a tub of vanilla ice cream.
Now, I was ready to go back home.
PS: I managed to make Dr. Lim laugh today! Hooray!!!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
She's sick!
The old woman that stays with me in this house is SICK! CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT?!!! An old woman sick. Any 'greater' it could be?

Yea, my Granny is having mild fever and I forced her to sleep. I made a Chinese tea and kept it in a bottle and conserve the 'heat energy released' by using water bath method. Looks like Science is indeed helping me to survive in life with its weird application everywhere.
Oh and I also placed a tablet of Paracetamol on the table and her blanket at the end of the couch she is now sleeping on. Bloody hell, WHY must she be sick?!!!!! Man, I think after my guitar class which ends at 1.45pm and I see her condition isn't any better,
PS:Jinny Joes, please heal her!
Waterlogged and insomnia
That's me now. I am really tired for whatever crap happened today and hell yeah. My upper floor is almost waterlogged.
I found this word (waterlogged) in my Biology Form 4 textbook while I was reading about mangrove swamps few hours ago.
It all started this morning. I woke up to find that water is dripping slowly from the attic and my first word to my Granny wasn't 'morning' but, 'Ma, the water is dripping down from the attic!' OK, that was not a word. It was a sentence. So my routine progressed with Ooi Kim Huat's pace on a holiday morning and at the same time Granny was calling a Chinese plumber.
She got fed up of that guy because he didn't hear properly when my Granny was repeating herself like a recording box when he asked for our house address. She hung up and said, 'Ah, what a useless guy!'
Minutes later, she went to do some treasure-hunting activity to find an Indian plumber's number in her mini phone book and she asked me to dial his number. 'Hello, Mr. Nathan.......'
So he did come after another extra minutes with a fat co-plumber and they both came up here to check what was the water system's problem and he concluded that there was problem with one of the two tanks balls. I am sorry, I can't really be any polite or serious in this odd hour when I am blogging right now. It is already 2.20am and I can't sleep (explanations later)!!!
It took hours for him to fix all the mess up there and by 7.20pm he said, 'I'll come and check tomorrow' and he left with his co-plumber. I finally went down to have something jammed in my mouth because I didn't trust the plumbers. I was here all throughout the period, guarding my babies in my room while doing my usual online stuffs. He might just crawl in my room and grab my stuffs! Meh, call me a paranoia...
After watching Doraemon at 7.48pm(and ate of course!), I bathed, watched 'The Mentalist' at about 8.30pm and decided to hit the sack - or at least come up here to chat with my friends or play some online riddles blablabla and voila! MY UPPER FLOOR WAS WATERLOGGED!!!!!!!!!!!
My Granny was very 'pleased' to call him to come here again and he apologized (I think) and my Granny told me that he had forgotten to switch off somethings up there in the attic which she herself didn't know what in waterloo was that. YEAH RIGHT! How ironic...
Before I could finally switch on my computer, I did this so that my floor will not end up like what has happened in Terengganu as seen in newspapers.
Pales and a basin at four hotspots where the water dripped. Great, now instead of some mini drips on the morning, after fixing it, we had major drips everywhere now! I heard the plumber was screwing something up there(literally) to install a new tank. Now, I think he has really screwed it up!
After all those horror flicks ended, I was here playing The Alice Riddle with Hizairi and Ronnawong in MSN. We were discussing how to decode each level and finally gave up and go for different games of the same kind. We got bored and went off. The clock striked 1am (or so) and I was tired and ready to sleep. While I was listening to my MP3 and closing my eyes thinking of pure nothingness, I heard a noise outside my room. It was like a knock on my door. It was about 2am already. Who or what could it possibly be?
I was bloody scared and couldn't sleep thereafter! I switched on my light and calmed myself down. I braved myself out to see nothing but I could see some things had been changed. Meh, it was Granny mopping the floor dry and perhaps she accidentally knocked my door with the mop handle. Thanks to her, I can't sleep now! I am tired, but I can't shut my brain off!
I have my guitar class at 12.45pm and now I am still awake.
This sucks.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Jamais vu, mais deja vu?
J'ne sais pas... It's like I have seen this friend before but we've never seen each other. Mum, this isn't any net friends. It's just my friend's (Stephanie) sister. This year 17 years old, wears specs, long wavy hair, plays piano, about my height, intelligent and talks a lot. Stephanie even said that her sister and I look alike! One of seven? I dunno. I think. You see! I don't even know where I got that facts from! Voila, I am mad!
Yes, Geraldine. I am talking about you. The feeling was rather awkward (the positive meaning) when I saw her pictures after she'd approved me in Facebook. They were... warm and meaningful. I really don't know, man. Something strange has curled up in my wellbeing nowadays.
Mum, I do sleep well and eat well. I am not scizophrenic. Don't worry about me I am fine. It's just that suddenly, these things are so... predictable at times.
So Geraldine, we shall see what's gonna happen next! It's gonna be a fun ride I suppose.
Am I mad or am I gifted?
Friday, December 4, 2009
Awesome day!
Today I woke up at 11.45am, staring blankly on my coloured walls before decided to go down to brush up. I went down after that and ate, brushed my teeth, bathe and changed. Preparing myself to go to town again, to pay my dad's undue payment. At first when I looked at the sky, I said, "God, why must it rain? Could you please stop the rain?" And miraculously, it did!

Waiting for a public transport to go to town.
So I took a cab to town for RM2 as usual. Instead of me asking the driver to send me directly to the shop which I have to pay my dad's payment, I dumbly asked him to drop me at Parkson. You see, the reason was that I sucked at speaking CHINESE! That resulted me to walk a full 360 degrees from Parkson. I know, served me right, wasn't it?

In the cab, on the way to Parkson.
The route to the actual destination. BLOODY DANGEROUS!!!
After I did what I was supposed to do first, I went back to Parkson. A whole damn turn from the place that taxi driver dropped me. And you know what? I had to walk in the middle of the road for a meter or two on the way back to Parkson because the pavement was flooded. Thank goodness I didn't get killed by some cars there! By the time I stepped my feet in Parkson, it was already 1pm sharp.
It didn't take me long to go to the bowling center. I paid for 2 games for only RM5.50. Special rate discounts? I didn't know either. My scores - hah, don't even think about it.
Game 1: 95
Game 2: 65
Crap. I didn't know what was happening to me. I didn't bother much because I had something better than that - if you've been following my blog, you would know: STARBUCKS. I sat there for a few hours 'enjoying' my super duper upper bitter dark mocha. (I had a 50% discount for any drinks in Parkson's Starbucks after 3pm today. I didn't know what offer was that but come on! Good things were hard to come by!!!)
Thank GOODNESS I ordered it tall instead of grande! I took my own sweet time drinking it, trying to taste the rich texture (but I failed miserably!) and reading The Pearl. My English teacher's assignment for us Ixorians during this holiday. It was kind of a boring story. It could be better, I just didn't know why must the author be so long-winded. Come on, our novel was supposed to be fast-paced like Phantom of the Opera or Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde!!!
I waited longingly for my watch to strike 3pm and I headed to the counter and ordered a tea instead. I couldn't take any more coffee! I nearly chocked when I was drinking my mocha. Gosh, the taste was really... awful!!!!! I ordered one grande iced, Tazo Zen Tea. It was without sugar but it was perfectly sweet with the I-didn't-know-what nice scent of the tea. The essence was really there. Sip by sip, the aroma lingered in my mouth. Now it was nearly 4pm and I finally realized that, "Oh shit. I forgot to eat." I headed to McD which was only a few meters from Starbucks and had a burger that was about RM5.
Too hungry to eat slowly...
OK, I was full and satisfied. It was time to head to Terminal 1 to buy my eye-masks before going back home. I hunted for the eye-masks from Guardian's to Watson's. It was not that I was picky. It was the fact my budget was below RM20. I needed some pennies to go back home, mind you! So I got myself a pair of eye-masks in Watson's that cost be about RM6 (didn't worth it, I know but I gotta do something to my tired eyes. Anyway, that eye-masks were just a test. If it worked fine, I'll buy a whole pack which cost CHEAPER! 6 pairs for only RM19.90!!!!!)
I'd finally have what I longed for weeks after exam and I was ready to go back home. I paid RM1.50 to the bus driver and sat the the back. It was nice and cold.
Waiting for the bus to move.
Minutes later, when the bus was moving. Another CRAP happened. This time it was worse! I had to PEE!!!!! I held back my you-know-what for about 30 to 45 minutes from Terminal 1 all the way back home. Breathing deeply and slowly like a mother was about to deliver her first baby. MAN that really sucked!
I walked really fast back home when the bus driver stopped at the bus stand and unbuckled my watch on wrist, took off every single thing in my pants (when I finally reached home) and... do you need to know the rest?
After everything, I bought 2 packs of nasi lemak for me and my granny to share (I took the bigger portion of course!) and bathed after that. I know that this post is already too long, so I'll just summarize this thing:
Bathed, washed face with scrub, did my facial mask for 15 minutes, watched TV.
After my favourite show ended at 8pm, I did my eye-masks.
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