Saturday, February 27, 2010


Today's guitar performance didn't go as what I had expected. My leader's microphone was not really functioning well and mine was functioning perfectly. The ironies here were

1. his voice was not really heard because of the microphone.
2. only my solo parts were heard clearly enough.
3. our fingerstylist's amplifier was not turned on during the first song.

That was so damn gay!!! We'd practiced for so many times and then now this crap happened! Thanks to our PA system, we have very few microphones! Oh gosh.... We were feeling so down after our performance.

Choral speaking was another hectic episode. My assistant conductress couldn't make it today because she has some really serious thing to do then. I used one of my member's phones to contact my choral speaking teacher advisor and she said, "We've no choice. We let Hua En and Anne conduct."

An hour later when I wanted to change for my guitar performance (as stated above), this member saw me and said, "Ooi, it's a mess," she was really heart-broken because the conductor didn't wanna let her voice out. Then in the toilet, I saw another member telling me that they've no respect for the conductor and the girl that told me it was a mess was keep on coming out of the line to voice her thoughts. I have a very bad feeling that what I've done for these 3 years will be gone when I'm gone.

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