Friday, June 3, 2011

Microeconomics Presentation

I was freaking nervous, as usual. I always am nervous when I know I am about to have my presentation or any forms of public speaking. I was shaking and I was cold. As the time passed by, I eventually got warmer and I felt a little lifelier. And there I went, my presentation. Many thanks to my friends who were willing to listen to my mock-up presentation, I have improved a lot because of their comments. Especially those comments from my team mates today, prior to my presentation. ALEX, TOO FAST! TOO COMPLICATED! SLOW DOWN.

Those comments have helped me a lot, in order to make my audience understand. They said I was good, but to me, I still did have flaws. A little. However, I was rather satisfied with my own outcome. Once again, thanks a lot, guys. You've made it better. It was so funny that my presentation style was actually the same with my tutor. COINCIDENCE. I never contacted her or anything, all I did was to think how to make it fathomable by the audience and WHAM! The steps in answering the questions were rather similar. Ha, ha.

After the class has been dismissed, when everyone else went out of the class, I was the last, because I wanted to talk to my team mate who is going to present next week; and as she has left and my tutor was still there. I asked, "Miss, is there any comments for improvement for my presentation?" She faltered and said, "No. You're perfect." So, once again, friends, seriously. Without you, I'd not get such compliment from the tutor. THANKS!

Kyrie eleison; Supplicanti parce, Deus.

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