Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Being Excellent!

"Scoring A's are just temporal benefits. But being excellent means, developing critical thinking skills along the way." - My FOA Lecturer

Exactly. I simply do not understand why are there so many people aiming for A, for the sake of a good flat pointer. I, on the other hand aim for A, for the sake of a good pointer is because I enjoy studying them, however there are some exceptions along the way where I really hated the subject, I simply have to get A for the sake of getting A. But, trust me. Most of the time, I study for the sake of understanding and for the fullfilment in my life - otherwise, I will not even be here at the first place!

Right now, we are all in Week 13 and exam is really very soon already. I have never lost faith in God, although when I was not a Christian back then. Now, I have Him in me, I have more the reason to remain humble and teachable - and not boast about Jesus to everyone. That's rude.

Which is why, we have to work on our critical thinking skills. I have been joining so many things in my life so far and trust me, it was tedious being leaders of so many projects, but with that, I learn to grow and learn how to think critically. This truly makes my mind sharper in problem solving.

Looking back to my FOA lecture notes, I'm now in the final chapter already (Interpretation of Financial Statements). This also means something else - I'm not going to see my lecturer anymore, until Sem 6, which is around this month, next year. It's pretty sad, that how good lecturers can't teach for all the accounting subjects. But anyway, I have faith in the college and I believe there will be equally good or even better lecturers await after her! Bring it on!!

Looking back to my past, in form 5, I used to be so naive and hated this topic in Principles of Accounting where I would have to analyse so many tedious things BUT now, as I grow, I soon notice that this is very important. I also believe I understand more right now, because I have read a few of The Edge report on market share values and analysing the fluctuation in the paper. I feel whole, and happy for being able to apply all my knowledge that I've learnt to the real world and I believe this is how people grow and benefit.

Kyrie eleison; Supplicanti parce, Deus.

1 comment:

Jamie Tan said...

What u said is true....My parents always encourage me to read current issues to broaden my perspective and horizon....Gaining As in the subjects is just a temporary key for us to get a better job.
However,the most important is we must always have critical thinking skill so that we can improve ourselves for our own sake. :)