Saturday, August 22, 2009

Hey guys!

Today's (um well... yesterday's) dinner was awesome! I'm really tired and I can't tell much about it. But one thing: if there's a DVD for this year's farewell party I will buy it. It's my memory with all these people AS EMCEE!!!! Woohoo; LOVE that job to the max!

Thank you Callie, Keerthana and Zura for adding in sense of humour in the script that (Callie and) I prepared. Even though I was kind of angry with Gopinath yesterday for the last-minute notice of the agenda's changes and I had to stay up all night just to do it ALONE (Yu-Xuan and Shi Fang were my witnesses).

Anyway, tonight's a great success as usual except for the OC that sucked a little bit. Everything else went really well!

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