Sunday, September 11, 2011

Lessons of Life

From: The Chronicles of Broken Heart. Another article that I've written for my Staff Sunday Submission, I find worthwhile sharing it out. Enjoy.

Kyrie eleison; Supplicanti parce, Deus.
Over the past one week, I was really bored doing my same old routine. Then, I've decided to read the books my Mom lent me 2 weeks ago. These are the lessons I've learnt and I find it worthwhile sharing.

First: Tuesdays with Morrie.
I've learnt that if a culture doesn't suit us, don't buy it.
I've learnt that love continues to go on, even when someone or something we love so much, goes away.
I've learnt that to forgive people, we have to forgive ourselves first. Keeping grudges doesn't do the trick. Let go.

Second: The Five People You Meet in Heaven
First lesson: A story doesn't stand by itself. Who we are today, is all because of the people around us. THEY mold us to be who everyone sees us as today.
Second lesson: Sometimes, we just have to make sacrifices, and not regretting it. Sacrifices are made, to make both parties better.
Third lesson: Anger is a poison and hatred is a curved blade. The more we hate someone, the more harm we do to ourselves. Once again, forgive.
Fourth lesson: Lost love is a love too. It only takes a different form. Says who we cannot love people who have died? As a matter of fact, the love for the dead, is much stronger than the love for the living because the deceased lives forever in our memories.
Fifth lesson: Everyone in the world is bound to protect. Protect someone, or something. It is only a natural habit for us to protect. It might either come in a form of responsibility (as what parents do) or a reflexive manner (as what we might do to strangers).

Third: For One More Day
I've learnt that regretting what we've done (or not doing it) in the past, for good or bad, isn't going to do us good at all. We cannot blame the people around us for things that don't go well as planned. After all, humans plan, God decides. Take things as it is and don't fret over it. When things don't work out well, stop and think. Don't make harsh decisions. Everything happens for a reason.

And readers,
You won't be expecting me to write that short, do you? Let me tell you the one thing I am shocked of my own action, but before that a little history from me, few years ago...

When I was still in my secondary school, my father remarried a lady that I really hated. That we (Granny and I) really hated. She was the poison in the family and she literally ruined my life! Yes, I know the meaning of "literally" and I am using it right. She ruined my life by taking Dad away (like what I've written in Metamorphosis), made him leave. Made him forgo his four-figure salary here and to work in the UK as a security officer. Made him sell his car. Made me felt "not right". Could you still love someone who did this to you? I was aware that the bible did say we shall love our enemies and bless those who curse us. I was aware. I know but I didn't apply that in my life, until I've read all these books mentioned above. I also like to quote Vidura, "What forgiveness cannot achieve?" Makes sense?

And I did. I sent an email to Dad upon finishing my second book. "Dad, please tell Aunt Pat that I've forgiven her. Love, Son," I didn't have her contacts. I wouldn't wish to have it either.
His reply was, "She has never kept it in her heart."
And I wrote, "Yeah. I know she might not. But I am very sure she knows that I have held grudges on her. Please tell her that I've forgiven her dad. Love, Son."

Although I have yet to see my stepmother, I've felt that I'm ready to go forward. Also, I did mention to everyone who was close to me. If I am ready to forgive her (my stepmother), I am ready to forgive everyone else in the world. Let's just end this post with, "To whom it may concern, I've decided to let go my grudges on you. And I hope you may forgive me for my wrongdoings too. May God bless you perpetually."

Yours truly,

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