Sunday, May 31, 2009

When American Meets the Brits

I just got this thing in net when American meets the Brits...


I was chatting up this lass. (British slang for flirting with a chick.) She was telling me how different her country's slang is from our American slang. For instance, at work, she had to make a phone call to a man. She tells her boss, "I'm sorry, but he's engaged."

This lead to some confusion. "Engaged" just means that the man wasn't picking up the phone because he was on the other line. His phone line is engaged.


Here are some other wacky British slang terms:

* “To knock you up” means to wake you up by knocking on the door.

* To "diddle" means to cheat someone.

* A "fag" is a cigarette.

* When the British are surprised or shocked they exclaim, "Blow me!"

* "Slap and tickle" means having sex.

* And courage is "a lotta bottle." From drinking alcohol from a bottle.

* And to them a real jerk is called a "wanker."

I can imagine a conversation at the front desk of a bed and breakfast in England:

CLERK: Tomorrow morning, would you like me to knock you up?


CLERK: I wouldn’t diddle you!

UNATTRACTIVE AMERICAN FEMALE GUEST: Then how will you knock me up?

CLERK: Quite easily! And if I can’t do it, then I’ll get me mate to do it.


CLERK: One of those what? Oh, it’s me break. I’m going out to smoke a fag.


CLERK: Oh, I know. Bad habit really. Ah, here’s Ben. He will take care of you.

BEN: So do you want me to knock you up in the morning?

UNATTRACTIVE AMERICAN FEMALE GUEST: You English men are so forward! So did you just come back from smoking a fag?

BEN: Certainly not! Bloody nasty, if you ask me. What time shall I knock you up?

UNATTRACTIVE AMERICAN FEMALE GUEST: What makes you think you can just have sex with me?

BEN: Blow me!!!


BEN: You want the old slap and tickle? There’ll be a whole lot more slappin’ than ticklin’, that’s for sure! Sex with you? Whoa! That would take a whole lotta bottle!


CLERK: Oh, Ben’s a huuuuuge wanker!

BEN: This is just smashing.

UNATTRACTIVE AMERICAN FEMALE GUEST: It’d better not be just smashing. You’re gonna be my baby daddy!

BEN (rolling eyes): Bloody smashing!

UNATTRACTIVE AMERICAN FEMALE GUEST: Bloody? How big is your wanker?

How to stay focused for dummies

Yes, I am a dummy. After my SAD clouds evaporated (due to my 7D 'achievement') I decided to google up on 'how to stay focused during exam' and I have a few interesting facts to share with you people!

1. Do NOT cram things in your brain the day before - or less NOTHING gets in your brain.
- Well, this is kinda true... I did this and nothing entered my brain.

2. Drink plenty of water.

3. Drink kiwi-strawberry juice.
- It is said that kiwi-strawberry is like a 'focuser' during exam. Maybe I should try it!

4. Rest early.
- Which I didn't do at all. I stayed up late at night just like a zombie does.

Those are the juicy bits I got. Other tips were the lame ones like, do not be panic bla bla bla...


Toybox - Le Jeu

Ha... Just putting a little French in my life. It's more of a braincraking 'escape the room' type of game that I played last MIDnight and I got too scared and hit ALT+F4 when the ghost-boy appeared - wimpy...

So, today I decided to finish it today (with help from the walkthrough of course!) and I think I unlocked the secret ending. I dunno. Not sure. Or maybe you should try it too? But just a warning, if you have a wimpy heart at night, better play it during daytime.

Good luck!
PS: I like the opening theme music. It's freakingly soothing. I dunno why I liked it though it sounded creepy.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

I am so sorry!

I just got my CPU back from the workshop in Terminal 1 - it was corrupted as my technician said last Friday. Anyhow, let me sum up all the crappy loads for the rest of the Hellish Days:

Wave 2
4th day
So, we had Moral Studies early in the morning and English 2 in the late morning.
Moral was unexpectedly OK for me! I could list down all 16 values that I'd memorized. I just hope that I can get an A1 for it, same goes with English... My teacher has VERY HIGH expectations from us!

5th day
Oh gosh! Additional Mathematics! It was totally crappy... I lost focus in section B! I think I will fail it...

Another stupid paper: Malay Language 1. It seemed simple. I hope I can score in this subject.

6th day
I got back my AM paper. I disappointed my parents, family members and all my friends and teachers! I got a mere 46% which is a darn 7D! I couldn't even get credit for this! I don't think I was concentrating for History 2 then. It's just... DISAPPOINTING.

Later that day, I noticed that History wasn't that hard after all! Thanks to my colour pens, I memorized my mind map for this paper! Eureka!

7th day
First up, Al-Kimiya. Also shitty! I just hate studies now!!!!!!!!! Then I had Modern Maths after that and I forgot how to do SETS, can you imagine that?! SETS!

8th day
Bios and logos. Yes, the study of life; Biology. It was rather OK. I think I might get A for this. Not sure of it's pointer; either A1 or A2...

For Physical Education,
I slept after half hour. At least I finished it! I was too tired.

9th day(Wave 3)
WOO HOO!!!! LAST DAY!!!!!!!!!

7.30am - 10.30am.
Accounts Principles.

You get the best of both worlds
Chillin' out, take it slow
Then you rock out the show

You get the best of both worlds
Mix it all together and you know that
It's the best of both worlds
The best of both worlds!

It was extremely simple for me (and Dylan)! I was so scared of the subject but in the end, I managed to beat it all. I hope I can get an A1 for this one. REALLY!

Last paper of the mid-year, History 1: I did not care if it was hard or simple. All I knew is; IT IS OVER.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

2nd wave: Tomorrow!

3rd day was dead simple - SIVICS STUDIES! DAMN SIMPLE and sure to get high marks as most of us are!

4th day: TOMORROW
2nd wave: also TOMORROW

First paper on the supposedly happy morning: MORAL STUDIES! (then English 2)
I am still blur on those 16 moral values that I am about to smash tomorrow!

Oh, I dunno how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me head first fearless...

Oops, pardon me for being a little cuckoo up there. After I finished dealing with this post, I am back sitting in the dark corner to memorize History 2. HELP ME!!!!! JAYSUS!!! (though I am not a Christian. Pardon me to disobey the Commandments; thou shall not use God's name in vain. Oh, OK... Jesus is NOT God. He is the Son of God. Tell me I am wrong!)

OK. Off to study mode now. Bye.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

2nd day in hell

So, after the registration in the altar as the 'Chosen One' and I managed to do 18 headshots on Day 1. At 1.20pm, Day 2 in hell just ended with English 1.

Frankly, this time wasn't as fucked as the first paper I sat for months ago. This was more to conceptual understanding instead of factual understanding. I was so glee when I did Section A - as simple as ABC. Then Section B, I fucked it up a little because I forgot to read about 'scalar and vector quantities' and for Section C, I screwed it up. I didn't know how to explain the situations, so... what I did was explaining like a Wikipedia relating this and that just to gain marks.

I don't think that I can get 1A for it, but I am confident of getting more than 68% this time!

English 1
It was a little easier than Physics, of course. There were only 2 sections. First section was about writing a report regarding some food poisoning stuffs to the duty teacher. Man, I need to thank Louisa, Kamini and Madam Poga for telling me the 'last minute tips'!!! I couldn't have done it without them! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Second section was continuous writing - the section I grudge most not because I hate writing, but because I do not know what Madam Poga wants from us. The only one with highest marks all the time was Francine, I think. I dunno how would she rate me this time. I chose a question of such:

Write a story starting with the sentence,

The first time I saw her, I thought she was someone really special.

Don' worry, readers. I will not summarize my pile of junk here. I'll just retype my composition for this section after I get my paper back. Below was my draft for the topic chosen.
Draft page 1

Draft page 2

PS: The first page I edited the writing a little (the fonts in pink and orange) because my scanner couldn't detect the colours.

PSS: I changed the ending a little, didn't follow exactly from draft page 2.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ist day in hell

Had any of you here played a shooting game named; 13 days in hell? No, it's not important, I am just asking because we are all facing real hell in the hall - today is our first day there; taking only one paper - BM paper 2 with total marks of 110 and as far as I know (based on my performance), I might get (plus-minus) 90 out of the perfect score.

Everything was easy UNTIL KBKK questions. The questions which pattern is similar to,
"Based on the facts that you have learnt, do you think that it is advisable for Alfonso d'Albuquerque to attack Mallacca?"

And there, I had tendency to gain marks.

Pardon me
, I have to be prepared for my Physics exam tomorrow. That is why I used the word TENDENCY to remind myself of a crap called inertia.


Sunday, May 10, 2009


Geez, it's really empty. Suits its name. Zero feedback all the way down. No publicity?
-Andrew Low

The moral of the quote is: Rate after you read. I am not trying to make myself notable but isn't it better if you rate every posts?

Alright, anyway I have to fly down to take my shower. I had not changed my pants for the past two days! Sorry.

PS: If possible, comment more. Thanks. Sorry for being "pushy".

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Final Decree from English Dept. Competition

We lost

for the you-know how many fucking times this year!!! Choral speaking was terrible, we didn't even get runner's up!!!!!!!

What the hell is wrong??

After the announcements,
(Best conductor - not me.
3rd place - not me.
2nd place - we gave up.
1st place - we knew who!) we all went out and returned to our respective quarantine rooms. I held Dhayalan's arm to support my own bone crushing weight in order not to fall. I was mentally paralysed.

As soon as I landed in the room, I let him go (I noticed he was shock as others are) and fell to the ground. Cried my lungs out and apologizing to my team. Chorus, this is not your fault!!! I kept on slamming the cement ground and hid my face from them with my eyes closed. I felt guilty for bringing them down.
When teachers came in, the atmosphere was a little lighter and... in the bus back to school, Azim, Thevaraj, Chan Kah Kit and Justin sang a cheer for us (and we followed). Though it was meaningless, it made us laugh!

"Sambaleh sambalu wah!
Lah mina mina mina yehyehyeh!
Lo sama lo, wa sama wa!
Lo jangan cemulu sama wa!"

C'est tout et bonne nuit. Pour mes 'Chorus' gents, J'SUIS DESOLÉ BEAUCOUP parce que ma ça va pas aujour-d'hui! Et, merci beaucoup pour vos soustenir! Je t'aime - tout de tu! Merci!

PS: These are the longest French sentences I'd ever thought of!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's over!

Everything - it's over. All are done. I'm changing my style of writing for good. Thanks to Anne and Ara who have been teaching me. I seriously hope I will be better in my English paper next week {EXAM!!!!!}

Instead of the normal 'narrative' me, I will turn it to the abnormal PROS-CONS + 4W-1H writing. Now, since the style is a little similar of that in my Malay Language paper, I think I will try to get 40/50 next time. Well, hopefully... OR I am never gonna get an A1 in my SPM - ever! Anyway, thanks to Madam Poga - superb teacher; the way she has changed my style of writing since Form 2 clearly proves it all. Thank you, three.


PS: K means 'over' or 'the end' in Morse code.