Friday, September 2, 2011

It was a rather miraculuous night!

So I've decided to blog it out instead of writing this on Facebook or Tumblr, although it is quite short...
Yesterday was my very first time, listening to Bach's cello suite No.2 (on Youtube) and when I was paying full attention to the playing while reading the score, I noticed something rather peculiar going on in my head - an imaginary orchestral accompaniment.

I think when I meet my theory teacher, I should ask her, whether or not she has experienced this feeling ever in her life, because I've noticed her piano skills were very expressive as well. Perhaps, she hears some imaginary accompaniment too? Meh, am I sane?

After those videos, I've decided to watch how the cellist play Canon in D and hey, 5th position, people. So, I insanely talked to 2 of my bows and I've decided to use the one bow which was not used often. It communicated with me a lot better than the one that I was using earlier. Thanks to my hostel friend's advise of "you must know your instrument" when he was playing with my cello for a little while, he asked me, "what's it's name?"

I said, "Cello."

"I see... Hi cello. I am Sky." And from thence, I do occasionally talk to my cello and bow. OK, I really sound like a psychopath now. I should stop right here. I am going to freak my readers out!

Kyrie eleison; Supplicanti parce, Deus.

PS: I hope I can play my cello fairly well by 23rd September!

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