Saturday, October 8, 2011

Until today, I've made a few amendments on Things to do before I die, and Books to read.

1. Yesterday, I got the news from my music school that I have passed my Grade 2 guitar examination! I merely passed with 112, but it was better than fail, wasn't it? There is this additional comment which I must share with all of you, "Aural responses show very promising musicianship. Now, focus more on playing with steadier pulses."

This is simply the moment where I say, "See, I've done this even you don't have faith in me," to people whom quite detest my avid interest in music since I was 6 years old! I told you, it was not waste of time and money, I am doing something I really enjoy. Correspondent to the earlier post about Dad, this news yesterday had made me forget everything sad earlier on!

Get certified for music

2. I will be performing this month in my college chamber as a self-taught cellist. I am proud of this. I managed to figure everything out with my supportive friends around me in the chamber.

Be in an orchestra playing an instrument

3. I noticed, getting certified isn't really a big deal. As long as you know what you are doing, you've already certified yourself!

Get certified for Psychology  Maybe I might continue this goal when I retire?

4. I've finished Romeo and Juliet, and The Book of Tomorrow. I've also read a few books along the way, "Di Zi Gui: Guide to a Happy Life" and "Freeing your Heart". Now, I'm on a quest of reading the Holy Bible.

Romeo and Juliet
The Book of Tomorrow
Robinson Crusoe Maybe later

Les Miserables Maybe later

Kyrie eleison; Supplicanti parce, Deus.

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