Saturday, October 8, 2011


Drafted while I was waiting for bus to return home yesterday...

To me, waiting is a non-habitual action. I just loathe waiting for things to pop out. Especially waiting for bus to go back home. I somehow feel that waiting is a waste of time, or should I just say that I am too ignorant to slow down? There are times where I noticed how slow everything around me is when I have nothing to do but wait. I could not help it but to ask myself, "Should I slow down?"

Just today, this morning after my Macroeconomics lecture, I was discussing with my English tutor about the drama for English Carnival where I will act as a wife, I received a message from Dad asking me to call home when I was free. He offered to fetch me home, from the bus terminal. So, I did call back and I regretted it. He told me that he quit his job in the supermarket. My heart sank a little and I was thinking to skip the next class, and go back home straight. Many thanks to the many books I read about life, I didn't succumb into the negativity because after all, I cannot control everything around me. I ain't God!

I felt that being depressed could not help anything at all. The tears, worries and depressions - are all actually in vain. There was also at times, I prayed to God to heal his sickness for he is always ill, in my eyes. At first I thought that he has been cured, that was when he got a job here after his return from England.

You know very clearly there always is something called BUT in a story.

Now he told me he quit his job, because his boss scolds him and misusing him. Well, I would understand, because if I were him I would have gone amock and screw the boss up too but hey, look at this. He has responsibility as a father, doesn't he? Pardon me, readers for talking about such bad things about my father. I too know it is sinful to talk about my own family's bad things, which tarnishes my family name (lesson learnt from Di Zi Gui) but I am actually writing for others to be inspired. I hope I have the power to inspire all of you, to stay strong.

I have been working voluntarily in The Chronicles of a Broken Heart as an advice columnist, I have just been nominated as the Staff of the Weeks and now, I shall follow my own advice. Wait. Time heals basically everything. Wait. Things will go well. Pray. God is just making me stronger with all these tests. Pray. God has never wanted to do anything bad to me, He always have good plans laid ahead of me (lesson learnt from a biblical verse).

Wait. Pray. I will.

Kyrie eleison; Supplicanti parce, Deus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

U can do it.. =)