Thursday, November 10, 2011

What I have been up to recently

Had I been an atheist, I would have died already. God has always been there for me, listening to my prayers - Thank You!

What I have been up to recently?
1. Very busy with due assignments. ITS assignment due next week and my leader is still not sure what to do. I'm planning to take over soon enough. Just when it's time to end. We have to submit our assignments up on Friday next week. My part to worry is: Are my members going to be able to finish up their assignments on time? Although I know that their individual worksheets are not going to affect me by a tiniest bit, but I want the best out of them. Pardon me for speaking in such manner. Don't misunderstand me. I'm not the leader, but I am going to be by next week - I would need their works to be compiled under my file (since I am the first, alphabetically, so I need to use my name as my group. This is what I call indirect leadership).

2. ITS been put aside, I have English group presentation, also due next Friday. Actually, that's our presentation date. We chose (I should say, I chose because everyone had tremendous stress to cope up with due to this topic, including me. But, I know they could do it. I have faith in them) WAR as our topic. This is how it sounds like: "War has been a polemic issue. However, since the end of World War II, there are still regional wars in many parts of the world. Discuss the causes and effects of war and ways to prevent it."

3. Now, I also have ITS test on next Friday after our group presentation. I had to stay up late last night (I only started revising yesterday after dinner, around 11pm) to read and memorize the first chapter. I don't quite like to use the term MEMORIZE actually... I prefer, UNDERSTAND. As a result, I skipped my IOM lecture at 8am. I was too tired. I'd be dead tired if I go for it. Anyhow, I was lucky that this chapter is quite easy - Management and Leadership. It's very interesting too!!

4. My drama group is pretty much on its downturn at the moment. The music line has some problems which I ignored since the beginning of the practice. I admit, it's my management fault and I am very sorry for this. Today, during our supposed practice, we didn't because the guitarists were not available for today's slot - oh, how much I hate being informed about their last minute changes! So, today the actors talked about this and we have come up with a grand solution - focus more on music line from next practice onwards! As for the props, make-up and what not, I'll leave it to my English tutor. That is not my concern. My concern is mainly on this dancers. Once everything is settled, I shall synchorize everything up already. To my actors, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for telling me your great CONTIGENCY plan! I really appreciate them.

So, till then, wish me luck in whatever may come tomorrow (symbolically, future).
Kyrie eleison; Supplicanti parce, Deus.

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