Thursday, April 29, 2010

Guiltiness and Stupidity

Today I felt guilty during my BM class. Our class is supposed to end at 10.40am but some told our teacher 10.20am. So, she went speeding; at the same time, the prefects were getting out of the class resulting into a more spacey room, and finally she has receded into her normal tempo when most of us (the normal students) didn't stand up and leave the class for recess.

I wanted to correct my teacher that it was 10.40am but my friends said: Never mind. Let her be.

I felt that I am very stupid for doing such a thing. Maybe, honesty isn't the best policy after all. That's my weakness. I am forever being honest and I can't lie. That's why my friends are hurt sometimes when I give my opinions.

I am not trying to say I have such terrible friends. They are great but all of us have our unique mindsets. Please don't get me wrong here.

However, my teacher has stopped projecting her voice since 10.20am; asked Kamini was it time already for her to leave. She said to teacher there were 20 more minutes. Our teacher also started answering questions from students personally, which I very much prefer the lessons to be that way.
As for this, I really am sad about my result for first monthly test that I have just received yesterday:
Total marks: 718
Percentage: 79.78
Result: PASS
Position in class: 9/49 (so what?)
Position in cohort: 31/463

SIGH!!! I don't mean to whine or anything but it is so eye-digging to see my result this bad for the first test. All are fine but look! Additional Mathematics' the only D over there. What a pity. The rest are fine. Until now, I can't believe how great the impact of a Donkey in my result. Seriously. However, I will not give up because I know I can never die that easily.

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