Sunday, March 6, 2011

Always a dilemma

In myself there are major 2 parts
Alex: Dude, are you serious? You're wasting your time.
Me: On what? Talking to people like this?
Alex: Yup. Shouldn't you read up or... Just have a life. You're always being so gullible. Always being hurt in the end.
Me: Well, as long as I am happy for the moment. I know I do not often spend time with these kind of people, knowing how NOT close I am to them. But it is just...
Alex: Nice to see them happy? You always say this.
Me: Yeah. Because this is who I am. I know I will regret for not listening to you.
Alex: Seriously? They're using you!
Me: Alex, I know. Well in the end, I know I've done something right. In the end they know that they've done something wrong.

Supplicanti parce, Deus.

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