Saturday, June 25, 2011

I am still alive

I am not dead yet, no worries. Neither am I sick, I am fit. Thank God for that. The stress is building up and I could not find much time to blog about many interesting things that has happened lately, besides tests. Sigh... There is no doubt, I am comparatively busy than status quo (who lay back, relax and study) but I am not complaining. In fact, I am very happy that I fill my time up neatly, besides giving myself ample time to rest too.

So this week, we had our English grammar test and Quantitative Studies (was known as Business Mathematics and Statistics before I came into the college) and I would not say these are easy. I would just say they are... doable. Yeah, doable. Not hard, not easy. If I say easy, I would let people think that I am going to score a perfect score but when I am not, I'll drown in my own pride. This was what my friend here has told me before: If you brag too much, you'll drown in your own pride.

Besides that, my English Coursework 3 is on Tuesday. A role-play. We chose the topic on "Marriage vs Being Single" and I will be a wife who quarrels with my husband every single day until my son is fully distracted from his studies, and being abused by his father. Later in this play shows the divorce of my husband and I which leads to my son's greater depression. That is the shortest summary I could give because I have not put my idea into words just yet.

Actually now I am at home, doing my QS homework, then I'll take my sleep - wake up fresh to do Microeconomics revision before homework (not necessary to be in the morning though)... Then if God allows, Granny and I shall visit my cousin and her kids of course at night after dinner. That's the end of Saturday night. On Sunday I expect myself to laze around before heading back to hostel at noon and wash my clothes, sweep and do other necessary things whenever I feel like doing. Ha, ha.

On Monday, I would have to teach my dance mates (now we're in group of 8; 4 couples that is) about my choreographed Rock and Roll dance for our coming competition in August. Right after that, I would need to discuss my role-play with my group mates (albeit I am not the leader this time, for both dance and role-play). As it ends, I expect my dance mates to come to my hostel and start practicing our steps out of sight (because I don't wish anyone to copy my steps and dance in the competition day). 10 odd minutes of break after the end of dance would be my orchestra practice. I can't wait for the new piece to come! Dinner after that, of course with my hostel gang... Come back from dinner, rest for a few minutes with light chattering with these people and start revising (or do whatever I feel like doing). Oh, that's my Monday. I don't have formal classes on Monday, so it'd be very boring for me if I have nothing to do, right?

Kyrie eleison; Supplicanti parce, Deus.

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