Thursday, June 2, 2011


Really! I wonder why the hell am I so hectic today. From morning all the way till now. I woke up extra early to attend a class at 12.30pm, as I thought the class started at 11.30am. DAMN. It was all because I saw the wrong time table last night. SCREW IT, DUDE. My friend said it was due to my own stupidity, when I told him. Well... Served me right! PFFT~

Now let me just tell you how I killed time this morning. 11.30am, my friends told me that the class was 12.30pm and I went to library to do some researches on Probability. I never liked tree diagram. EVER. ALWAYS HATING THAT PART.

12.20pm, went back to my respective class and saw all my friends there. Ahh - sense of homeliness. Basically, today's lesson was a total waste of time because I have finished my group's assignment. Today, he was merely giving us the points to write on. So, it was a waste of time but I managed to make full use of it by asking my friends about that stupid tree diagram. Now, I am crystal clear about it. Or so I hope I am.

So now I have about half more hour before I start my English tutorial and I am in the library, accessing internet to kill time. Today will be more to journal writing and phonetics. Shit. I hate that latter topic. It is so damn boring that I nearly lost consciousness everytime my tutor talks about it!

Kyrie eleison; Supplicanti parce, Deus.

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