Thursday, December 30, 2010


I'm dead. I was whining when I did not get any job, and now I am still whining because I have THREE pending jobs. Today after searching thoroughly in Parkson and The Store with Gopinath and Aruna, we went back to the restaurant in TE and guess what? The boss said she freaking misplaced the forms and thanks for that, we went to find for crappy jobs and now we have to think on how to reject the job offers. Great, isn't it?

Parkson, Promoter RM3.50 per hour for 4 hours.
The Store, Promoter RM3.20 per hour for 4 hours too.

I hate the promoter job in The Store. That lady is being very very inconsiderate because I had to explain to her that I cannot work on Mondays because I have guitar classes on that freaking day. Anyway, she's a totally racist. She charged me RM3.20 per hour because I am a Chinese, if I wasn't... I'm going to be charged at RM3.00 per hour. I really hated her when she said that but I had to put up a smile since I was so freaking desperate for a job that moment!

Then we went to Parkson and this lady was so friendly and sweet! I have to call her up tomorrow morning and say I already have a job now and explained about the whole restaurant conflict which brought me to them at the first place. Or maybe I should just call these people tomorrow and explain the "truth".

We got a call from a restaurant which we went for much earlier than these places yesterday after going to these places. I am not going to mind whatever vulgarities I am about to hear tomorrow, I am just glad I am finally hired in the restaurant! This is just too epic to be true. My hopes are up again, to pay for my guitar fee! Although I still have to withdraw my own money some days later to pay it first, as it would be impossible for them to pay my salary by 17/1/2010!


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